EPIC Funnel System:   Helping Members of B Epic Build their Businesses with Systems Driven Marketing Tools

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What Exactly is a Sales Funnel?

A Sales Funnel is a marketing tool used to introduce potential customers to your company, product, service or offer and guides them step by step through a programmed sales process. At the same time, you collect and verify their contact information and automatically schedule follow up emails and text messages that direct them back to your offer.

With several integrated trigger points, EPIC FUNNEL SYSTEM is an absolute must have for growing your B Epic Business. Designed not only to capture & confirm your prospects contact info and schedule automated email and text follow ups, but also gives you the ability to share your generated leads with your team automatically with our powerful Lead Share Rotator, all while keeping you actively engaged with our REAL TIME text notification system.

The EPIC FUNNEL SYSTEM comes fully loaded with a Powerful Toolset to help take your business to a whole new level!


Epic Funnel System is packed full of POWERFUL FEATURES!!

  • Plug & Play Marketing Funnel
  • Mobile Responsive
  • Landing Page Video
  • Sales Page Video
  • Built-In Email AutoResponder
  • Built-In Text Responder
  • Email Confirmation System
  • Real-Time Text Notifications
  • Keyword Text Marketing System
  • Digital Business Card
  • Social Media Links
  • Tracking Stats
  • Marketing Resource Center
  • Printable Marketing Materials
  • Simple to Use Back Office Manager
  • Live Chat Support
  • Funnel Hosting
  • Lead Share Rotator
  • 3 and Free Referral Program
  • And Much, Much More!!

All Features

Here are a Few FAQ's we get:

Do I have to build anything?
No. Everything is already built for you! You simply provide your information through the setup steps and you're ready to go!

Who Own's the Leads?
You do. All information submitted through your funnel is yours.

Can I Export my Leads?
Yes. At anytime, you can download your leads into a .csv file.

Do you offer Live Support?
Yes. If you ever have any questions, you can click on the live chat icon in the lower right hand corner of the site.

What is the process?
Once you place your order you will instantly be taken through a few simple setup steps where you will provide information to personalize your funnel. Once you complete the setup steps, your funnel will be live. Takes 3 to 5 min to setup.

Do I have to configure anything?
No. EPIC FUNNEL SYSTEM is a 100% Plug & Play Marketing Funnel. Simply signup, go through the setup steps and your ready to go!

Click Here for a Full FAQ List

Order Your EPIC Funnel System Account Today!

System Functions Internationally
Texting Features Available in US and Canada Only



Orders are Processed by: Professional Marketing Design
And will show as such on your Bank Statement.